Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus leo quis nisl. In lectus. Vivamus consectetuer pede in nisl. Mauris cursus pretium mauris. Suspendisse condimentum mi ac tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed enim. Ut vel ipsum. Cras consequat velit et justo. Donec mollis, mi at tincidunt vehicula, nisl mi luctus risus, quis scelerisque arcu nibh ac nisi. Sed risus. Curabitur urna. Aliquam vitae nisl. Quisque imperdiet semper justo. Pellentesque nonummy pretium tellus.
Object: hs |
Variables |
align |
positioning |
string |
Position of the full image in the client, either 'auto' or 'center'. More... |
Example |
allowHeightReduction |
html, autosize |
boolean |
true |
See hs.allowWidthReduction. |
allowMultipleInstances |
multiple |
boolean |
true |
Allow more than one popup expander to be open at the same time. More... |
Example |
allowSimultaneousLoading |
boolean |
false |
Allow multiple popups to be opened at the same time More... |
Example |
allowSizeReduction |
autosize |
boolean |
true |
Allow the image to shrink to fit a small viewport. More... |
Example |
allowWidthReduction |
html, autosize |
boolean |
false |
Allow HTML popups to shrink to fit the width of the browser window. More... |
Example |
anchor |
positioning |
string |
Which corner or side of the thumbnail the popup should be anchored to. More... |
Example |
autoplay |
slideshow |
boolean |
null |
Inline option to start running a slideshow from a thumbnail. |
Example |
blockRightClick |
boolean |
false |
Block right clicking and context menu on the full size image. More... |
Example |
cacheAjax |
ajax |
boolean |
true |
Cache the contents of AJAX popup for instant display. More... |
Example |
captionEval |
overlays |
string |
null |
An expression to be evaluated into the caption text. More... |
Example |
captionId |
overlays |
string |
null |
The id of the element to be cloned to an image caption. More... |
Example |
captionOverlay |
overlays |
object |
Overlay options for the caption, as listed under hs.registerOverlay. More... |
Example |
captionText |
overlays |
string |
null |
A text to use in the caption. More... |
Example |
contentId |
html |
string |
null |
The id of the HTML element containing the content for HTML popups. More... |
Example |
creditsHref |
overlays |
string |
The hyperlink reference for the credits label. |
creditsPosition |
overlays |
string |
top left |
The position of the credits relative to the popup. More... |
creditsTarget |
string |
_self |
The target of the credits link More... |
dimmingDuration |
transitions |
integer |
50 |
The duration in milliseconds of the fading in and out of the background dimming effect. More... |
Example |
dimmingGeckoFix |
transitions |
boolean |
false |
Fix Gecko/Mac bug that causes problems with dimming and Flash. More... |
Example |
dimmingOpacity |
transitions |
float |
0 |
A float between 0 and 1 defining the opacity of a dimmed page background More... |
Example |
dragByHeading |
overlays |
boolean |
true |
Allow the image or HTML popup to be dragged by it's heading. |
Example |
dragSensitivity |
dragging |
int |
5 |
How many pixels to drag the full image before it starts moving. More... |
Example |
dynamicallyUpdateAnchors |
slideshow |
true |
Allow Highslide to update the anchors collection automatically after the DOM has changed. More... |
easing |
string |
easeInQuad |
Sets the style of the expand/contract effect. More... |
Example |
easingClose |
string |
inherited from hs.easing |
The easing when closing the expander. See hs.easing. |
enableKeyListener |
navigation |
boolean |
true |
Listen for keystrokes like left and right arrow to control Highslide. More... |
Example |
expandCursor |
string |
'zoomin.cur' |
The filename of the cursor that indicates zoom in on the thumbnails. More... |
expandDuration |
integer |
250 |
Defines in milliseconds how long the zoom in effect should take. |
fadeInOut |
boolean |
false |
Add a fading effect to the regular expand/contract effect. |
Example |
flushImgSize |
boolean |
false |
Flush IE's cashed image width and height after an image is physically resized. More... |
Example |
forceAjaxReload |
ajax |
boolean |
false |
IE-specific option to force Ajax-loaded content to be reloaded from the server on each popup opening More... |
fullExpandOpacity |
overlays, autosize |
float |
1 |
A float between 0 and 1 giving the opacity of the full expand label |
fullExpandPosition |
overlays, autosize |
string |
bottom right |
The position of the full expand label relative to the image. More... |
graphicsDir |
string |
The path to the directory where your graphics are. More... |
Example |
headingEval |
overlays |
string |
null |
An expression to be evaluated into the heading text. More... |
Example |
headingId |
overlays |
string |
null |
The id of the element to be cloned to an image heading. More... |
Example |
headingOverlay |
overlays |
object |
Overlay options for the heading, as listed under hs.registerOverlay. More... |
Example |
headingText |
overlays |
string |
null |
A text to use in the heading. More... |
Example |
height |
html |
integer |
undefined |
Sets the pixel height of the HTML expander. More... |
lang |
object |
The object containing language strings for localisation. More... |
Example |
loadingOpacity |
float |
0.75 |
The opacity of the loading label. |
maincontentEval |
inline |
string |
null |
An expression to be evaluated into the main content while using self rendering content wrapper. More... |
Example |
maincontentId |
inline |
string |
null |
The id of an element to open in a HTML expander using self rendering content wrapper. More... |
Example |
maincontentText |
inline |
string |
null |
A text to use in a HTML popup when using self rendering content wrapper. More... |
Example |
marginBottom |
integer |
15 |
See hs.marginLeft. |
marginLeft |
integer |
15 |
The expanded image or HTML content never exceeds this left margin on the page. More... |
Example |
marginRight |
integer |
15 |
See hs.marginLeft. |
marginTop |
integer |
15 |
See hs.marginLeft. |
maxHeight |
integer |
null |
Pixel value for the maximum height of the expanded content, see hs.maxWidth. |
maxWidth |
integer |
null |
Pixel width for the maximum width of the expanded image. More... |
Example |
minHeight |
integer |
200 |
Pixel value for the minimum height of the expanded content, see hs.minWidth. |
minWidth |
integer |
200 |
Pixel value for the minimum width of the expanded image. More... |
Example |
numberOfImagesToPreload |
preloading |
integer |
5 |
Highslide by default preloads the first 5 images in your page. More... |
Example |
numberPosition |
overlays, slideshow |
string |
null |
Where to inject a text showing the number of the current image in a sequence. More... |
Example |
objectHeight |
html |
integer |
null |
Specifies the height of an included iframe or Flash movie. More... |
Example |
objectLoadTime |
html |
string |
Display an iframe or Flash object before or after the animation. More... |
Example |
objectType |
html |
string |
null |
One of 'ajax', 'iframe' or 'swf'. Defines how you want to display the link target. More... |
Example |
objectWidth |
html |
integer |
null |
The width of extended content like Flash. More... |
openerTagNames |
navigation, preloading or ajax |
array |
["a"] |
Which elements should Highslide iterate to look for thumbnail openers. More... |
Example |
outlinesDir |
outlines |
string |
outlines/ |
The directory within the hs.graphicsDir where the outline pngs are found. More... |
Example |
outlineStartOffset |
outlines |
integer |
3 |
When hs.outlineWhileAnimating is true, this defines the starting pixel offset. More... |
outlineType |
outlines |
string |
Defines a graphic outline to display around the expanded content. More... |
Example |
outlineWhileAnimating |
outlines |
boolean |
2 |
Show the graphic outline during the expansion and contraction of the popup. More... |
Example |
overrides |
array |
Defines which settings of the hs object that will be inherited by the single hs.Expander. More... |
Example |
padToMinWidth |
autosize |
boolean |
false |
On narrow images, pad the width of the expander to the minWidth to make room for the caption. More... |
Example |
pageOrigin |
Object |
null |
An object containing x and y values for the page coordinates where the animation should begin. More... |
Example |
preserveContent |
html |
boolean |
true |
Preserve changes made to the content and position of HTML content. More... |
restoreCursor |
string |
'zoomout.cur' |
The filename of the cursor that indicates zoom out on the expanded image. More... |
restoreDuration |
integer |
250 |
Equivalent to hs.expandDuration but applies to the closing of the expander. |
showCredits |
overlays |
boolean |
true |
Whether to show a "Powered by..." label in the upper left corner. More... |
Example |
skin |
html or slideshow |
object |
A collection of HTML to be inserted automatically. More... |
Example |
slideshowGroup |
mixed |
null |
Places your popups into groups for Next and Previous navigation. More... |
Example |
src |
string |
undefined |
An alternative way to define the URL of the image or HTML content. More... |
Example |
swfOptions |
flash |
object |
Advanced options when showing Flash content using hs.contentType = "swf". More... |
Example |
targetX |
positioning |
string |
null |
Positions the expanded image or HTML content exactly above a given element on your page. More... |
Example |
targetY |
positioning |
string |
null |
See hs.targetX. |
thumbnailId |
string |
null |
Defines the id of a graphic to expand the image from More... |
Example |
transitionDuration |
transitions |
integer |
500 |
Defines in milliseconds how long the transition effect should take. More... |
transitions |
transitions |
array |
[] |
Define transitions other than the default zoom in and out More... |
Example |
useBox |
autosize |
boolean |
false |
Use a constraining box so that the borders, captions etc. don't change size from image to image. More... |
Example |
width |
html |
integer |
undefined |
Sets the pixel width of the HTML expander, or the width of the constraining box for images. More... |
Example |
wrapperClassName |
string |
null |
A specific CSS class for the wrapping div to enhance CSS control. More... |
Example |
zIndexCounter |
integer |
1001 |
Adjust the z-index to other elements on your page. More... |
Functions |
addSlideshow |
slideshow |
void |
Add a slideshow where images are grouped and given a common control bar. More... |
Example |
close |
boolean |
Close an expander given by a containing element. More... |
Example |
closeId |
Deprecated alias of hs.close. |
expand |
boolean |
The function used to open an image popup inline. More... |
Example |
getExpander |
hs.Expander |
Get a hs.Expander object by id, by a DOM element or get the active expander. More... |
Example |
htmlExpand |
html |
boolean |
Open a HTML expander from the onclick attribute of an element. More... |
isUnobtrusiveAnchor |
unobtrusive |
string |
Determine whether the given element is an unobtrusively marked up Highslide anchor. More... |
Example |
next |
navigation |
boolean |
Displays the next image or HTML content. More... |
Example |
previous |
navigation |
boolean |
Displays the previous image or HTML content. More... |
registerOverlay |
overlays |
void |
Apply custom overlays to image or HTML expanders. More... |
Example |
stripItemFormatter |
slideshow, thumbstrip |
string |
Allows specific formatting of each item in a thumbstrip. More... |
Example |
updateAnchors |
object |
Update the internal array of opening anchors. More... |
Events |
onActivate |
events |
void |
Fires after the hs.container has been generated More... |
Example |
onDimmerClick |
events, transitions |
boolean |
Fires when the user clicks the dimmed background. More... |
Example |
onKeyDown |
navigation, events |
bool |
Fires when at least one expander is open and a key is pressed. More... |
Example |
onSetClickEvent |
events, unobtrusive |
boolean |
Fires when the onclick event is set on an element in unobtrusive mode. More... |
Example |
Object: hs.Expander |
Variables |
a |
DOMElement |
The anchor that opened the expander. More... |
Example |
caption |
overlays |
DOMElement |
A reference to the div containing the caption. More... |
Example |
custom |
mixed |
undefined |
A custom object that is passed to the hs.Expander from the hs.expander function. More... |
Example |
heading |
overlays |
DOMElement |
A reference to the div containing the heading. More... |
Example |
thumb |
DOMElement |
The thumbnail image, if any, that was clicked to open the expander. More... |
Example |
Functions |
close |
void |
Close the current hs.Expander. More... |
Example |
createOverlay |
overlays |
void |
Create a custom overlay for a single expander instance More... |
Example |
focus |
void |
Brings the current expander to the front. |
Example |
moveTo |
dragging |
void |
Moves the popup to a given page position More... |
reflow |
html, autosize, positioning |
void |
Reflows and recalculates the size of a HTML expander after the content is changed dynamically. More... |
Example |
resizeTo |
dragging |
void |
Resizes the popup to a given width and height. More... |
Events |
onAfterClose |
events |
void |
Fires after the expander has closed, right before the hs.Expander object is deleted. |
onAfterExpand |
events |
void |
Fires after the image or HTML has fully expanded and the optional caption is in place. |
onAfterGetCaption |
events, overlays |
void |
Fires after the caption is grabbed. More... |
Example |
onAfterGetContent |
events, html |
void |
Fires after the HTML content is grabbed. More... |
Example |
onAfterGetHeading |
events, overlays |
void |
Fires after the heading is grabbed. More... |
onBeforeClose |
events |
boolean |
Fires before the expander closes. More... |
Example |
onBeforeExpand |
events |
void |
Fires just before the epanding animation starts. More... |
onBeforeGetCaption |
events, overlays |
boolean |
Fires before the caption is grabbed. More... |
onBeforeGetContent |
events, html |
boolean |
Fires before the HTML content is grabbed. More... |
onBeforeGetHeading |
events, overlays |
boolean |
Fires before the heading is grabbed. More... |
onBlur |
events, multiple |
void |
Fires when another expander is brought to the front and the current expander looses focus. |
onCreateFullExpand |
events, overlays, autosize |
boolean |
Fires after the full-expand label is created, but before it is made visible. More... |
onCreateOverlay |
events, overlays |
bool |
Fires before the overlay is added to a single hs.Expander obect. More... |
Example |
onDoFullExpand |
events, overlays, autosize |
boolean |
Fires after the full-expand icon is clicked, but before any actions are taken. More... |
onDrag |
events, dragging |
boolean |
Fires repeatedly during move and resize. More... |
Example |
onDrop |
events, dragging |
boolean |
Fires after move or resize. More... |
onFocus |
events |
void |
Fires when an expander is brought to the front. |
onHideLoading |
events |
void |
Fires when the loading label is hidden. More... |
onImageClick |
events |
boolean |
Fires when the user clicks the full size image. More... |
Example |
onInit |
events |
boolean |
Fires when the thumbnail is clicked and the primary properties of the expander are set. More... |
Example |
onMouseOut |
events |
void |
Fires when the mouse cursor leaves the image or HMTL popup. |
Example |
onMouseOver |
events |
void |
Fires when the mouse cursor enters the image or HMTL popup. |
Example |
onShowLoading |
events |
boolean |
Fires after the loading label is created, but before it is made visible. More... |