Highslide JS API Reference

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Object: hs




Object: hs.Expander





Get a hs.Expander object by id, by a DOM element or get the active expander.
hs.Expander hs.getExpander ( [mixed param] )
The getExpander function is designed to return the correct element almost whatever you throw at it, as shown below.


Type function
Returns hs.Expander


  1. If param is null, the function returns the currently active (focused) element or null if no expander is open.
  2. If param is a string, the function first looks for elements by that id within an opened expander and returns that expander. If that fails, the function looks for an anchor by that id or a thumbnail image by that id and returns the expander that this thumbnail has opened. If these two cases fail, it returns null.
  3. If param is a DOM element, the function looks for suiting elements by the same rules as if it were a string.


Getting hs.Expander info from the caption

In this case this refers to the h1 element itself, and getExpander returns the hs.Expander the caption is a part of. It alerts the href attribute of the anchor that opened the hs.Expander.

<div class="highslide-caption">
   <h1 onclick="alert(hs.getExpander(this).a.href)">Click me</h1>

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