Highslide JS API Reference

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus leo quis nisl. In lectus. Vivamus consectetuer pede in nisl. Mauris cursus pretium mauris. Suspendisse condimentum mi ac tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed enim. Ut vel ipsum. Cras consequat velit et justo. Donec mollis, mi at tincidunt vehicula, nisl mi luctus risus, quis scelerisque arcu nibh ac nisi. Sed risus. Curabitur urna. Aliquam vitae nisl. Quisque imperdiet semper justo. Pellentesque nonummy pretium tellus.

Object: hs




Object: hs.Expander





Displays the next image or HTML content.
boolean hs.next ( mixed reference )
If you have a series of images, this function combined with hs.previous provides a great way for the user to navigate. You can put the function call in the caption, in a custom overlay, in HTML content or anywhere else on the page. If you use null as the function argument, the navigation will proceed from the focused expander. When used in combination with hs.slideshowGroup, the next and previous functions let your user navigate painlessly through groups of images on your page.


Requires navigation
Type function
Returns boolean


The parameter can be a DOM element, a string or null. It is passed on to the hs.getExpander function to determine which expander to proceed from.


Next and previous links in a shared caption

<div class="highslide-caption" id="the-caption">
   <a href="#" onclick="return hs.previous(this)">Previous</a>,
   <a href="#" onclick="return hs.next(this)">Next</a>

<a class="highslide" href="../samples/full1.jpg" onclick="return hs.expand(this)">
   <img src="../samples/thumb1.jpg" alt=""/>
<a class="highslide" href="../samples/full3.jpg" onclick="return hs.expand(this)">
   <img src="../samples/thumb3.jpg" alt=""/>

Next and previous links elsewhere in the page

When no parameter is passed to the next and previous functions, the currently focused expander will be chosen as the active expander. Open up one of the images above and drag them away, then click the links below to see the effect.

<a href="#" onclick="return hs.previous()">Previous</a>, 
<a href="#" onclick="return hs.next()">Next</a>
Previous, Next

See also

New, Edit